Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Did you ?

…notice the new look?!?!?

What do you think?

Personally, I’m in LOVE with it. You see I’ve wanted a layout like this FOUR-EV-ER!! The picture header, oh the header. You see those are a few of my favorite pictures, but I couldn’t get the one of our family edited right.

I’ve done a lot of my own blog work in the past. Changing headers, creating backgrounds, changing the layout, but nothing like this. Nothing like a total makeover. When I stripped my blog down I begged and pleaded for someone to just take care of it. Take care of it, so I could focus on taking care of myself.

I wanted a fresh start.

Enter a friend I met through blogging. A friend who amazingly enough lives just 30 minutes from me. A friend who has two sweet little kiddos, one of which shares MacKenzie’s name. A friend who has been through a lot in the past year. I wish I could've helped more, but thankfully that doesn’t bother her. She’s great like that. Even though I couldn’t help her, she swooped in to help me!

Meet Jenny


Did I mention that she’s super sweet…okay so I didn’t but you guessed it, right?!?

Any who Jenny swooped in and offered to change things up around here for me! Jenny & her husband Greg have started a new business creating and installing Flash Headers. (you know like what’s up there at the top of my blog)

Jenny & Greg Designs

Jenny was great. She took what I gave her…which believe me wasn’t much, because I didn’t know what I wanted…and turned it into beautiful, creative and awesome! I love the new look!!! Jenny sent me previews, and would change whatever I needed. Even after changing my mind a few times she still changed it up! Jenny is so great to work with.
Go on, now. . . I said go. . .Really go!!!
And if you’re all still sitting around here, I suppose you’re all wondering how my appointment went on Monday. I’m sorry I haven’t posted sooner, but I decided yesterday to go get groceries, and it was a last minute decision.
The appointment went well. The ultra sound showed nothing abnormal, and no little bean either. The doctor isn’t sure what was going on but decided it would be best for me to go on Provera (a hormone pill) for about 10 days. We’re hoping that will work. If it doesn’t he is talking of putting me on birth control.
Now, not that I have a problem with birth control because I’ve been on it before. But Joel and I are getting more in tune with our Faith, and had decided before we got pg that we would be using Natural Family Planning as our birth control from now on. It is a decision we should’ve made after we had Kaitlynn, but with everything that happened we just wanted to get through that all without having to worry.

So please say a little prayer that this works. If it doesn’t I will be looking into a Natural Family Planning physician and see if he has any suggestions. I love my doctor, but I don’t want to be forced to go on Birth Control and that’s where he was headed. Right now our Faith is more important.


  1. Love the look! I'd love to have a wider column to write in myself!

  2. Love the layout! :-D

    We do natural family planning too. My doctor is a close family friend and we went to church with him for years. Fortunately he is very supportive of our decision (probably helps that he and his wife went that route too).

  3. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to work with your home here in blogland...and for all of the kind words regarding the makeover too! I am so glad you love the new look.

  4. I love it Amanda, it looks great! I'm glad that your appt went well and I hope what he gave you does the trick. Good luck, hun.

  5. Love the new look and the changing photos at the top! Great!

  6. love the new blog layout, iam so jelous of it!! love the family pic so very very much!

  7. the layout IS great!! and i hate the word veri thing too!! but i had wayyyyyy random, weird and japanese comments so i put it on too.

    i commend you for taking control of your birth control. when you research the pill, iuds, etc, you really find out how scary they are!! and that they're actually killing fertizlized babies. we pretty much use NFP as well...but aren't consistent either. we're pretty much whatever happens happens. :0)

    anyways i'm rambling...
