Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wordless Wednesday – The Mud Puddle

*Kinda Wordless * You have know the story behind these pictures. MacKenzie was with Grandpa on a “camping” trip, off to a bird swap meet. I was mowing the lawn when I saw Kaitlynn slowly heading closer and closer to the mud puddle that had become out in front of our house where we park. Each time I made a pass that way towards it I would tell her “Don’t go in that puddle.” Each time she would give me this little grin, but stay away. Finally when I was getting closer to being done and was always up front, I decided why not. Why not let them be kids and just have fun.

Kaitlynn stood next to the puddle and gave me the “PLEASE?!?!?” look. I told her to go ahead, and then I headed in the house where Joel was. As we were standing in the doorway he asks me “Did you see your daughter?!”, to which I replied… “That’s why I’m in here dear, I’m grabbing my camera.”

I think the pictures tell the rest of the story. Boy did they have fun!! Kaitlynn asks on a daily basis, “Mud Pies??”


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  1. Looks like they had a blast. Mud and puddles can be so much fun :)

  2. Wow, brave mommy! But what fun!! Glad you got the camera and got such great photos!

  3. those pictures are fabulous!! love them all!!

  4. What adorable kids. Mud Pies are one of my favorite childhood memories. You gave them a day they will never forget. :)
