Monday, September 6, 2010

Mowing the lawn

What’s your take on mowing the lawn?

Personally to me it’s something that should be done on a regular basis, along with trimming too. As soon as the grass starts to look shaggy, it needs to be cut.

Sadly this is NOT what happens at our house. Usually what happens is we get to it when one of us decides that it HAS to be done….as in we might get a notice from the Village if we don’t get it cut. (okay so it’s never actually been bad enough to think about getting a notice but I’m sure our neighbors are talking about it!)

Last night I mowed the lawn. For the first time in.a.month. The front lawn didn’t look to bad, and it only choked up the lawnmower once. Inside our privacy fence was another story though. There was weeds grass that were taller than the lawnmower. Let’s just you could’ve lost a small child back there…..I’m surprised I didn’t find one!

Please tell me I’m not the only one that totally let’s the lawn go at the end of the summer. Only to curse the whole time I’m trying to get it “back in shape.” It’s so embarrassing, that I didn’t even take pictures! Because that would mean I would actually have to admit that it got that bad!


  1. i think the last time jerry mowed our lawn was back in june maybe july! our grass don't grow much due to all the shade

  2. My husband loves mowing the lawn and edging so he does about every 2 weeks or whenever it's needed. Ours doesn't grow as fast in the desert as in some areas where it's more humid.

  3. I had to mow on Friday, it wasn't horrible, but was definitely necessary and we were having a BBQ/Birthday party on Saturday. We only have a backyard, we live in military housing and our "front" is a drive and a small flower garden (which the weeds have indeed taken over sadly). I've met those people who are anal over their yards and honestly I don't think they enjoy life, they worry about that stupid grass all the time! I say as long as no one is actually lost in the yard, it's no big deal! LOL

  4. We always wait too long. It is bad in our backyard too.

  5. I'm the anal lawn person. I run the edger and mow once or twice a week. I am hugely frustrated that it has been raining so much I cannot mow the ditch line which is shaggy looking.

    On the other hand, my house is filthy nasty. Nasty. Dirty. As it I wouldn't let you in dirty.

    We each have our "thing" we do. I mow and garden.
