Monday, September 29, 2008

Not Me Monday

I know it's been a while since I blogged...okay so it's been a week! I'm sorry! We've been crazy busy, and at night all I want to do is sit on the couch with my sweet husband! So I'm going to try my luck at another Not Me Monday.

Okay so if you've McMama's this week, I'm going to kind of have to steal borrow one from there!! But I swear I'd thought of it BEFORE I read her post!

I did not let Kaitlynn wear sposies all MONTH because it's easier to have a little one in cloth when they've got a serious case of the runs. I also did not let her wear them somtimes, and then forget about them being in the wet bag. You know because it's totally not me if they get washed on a every other day basis like they need to be!

I did not make my daughters sleep in a paint fume filled room last night, because it wasn't easier than setting up make shift camp in my room! And well because it wasn't just too cute to see them in their new Pink and Green room! (But I did leave the windows open, and two fans on in there!)

I also did not help my husband fold laundry only to leave it laying on the floor where the kids could get to it, and totally not knock it over and not make a HUGE mess. And I did not get upset when they knocked them over...why would I get upset, I mean it was kind of my fault!

I did not beg my sister to come help me paint, just so I could see her and get the kids to see her. I mean what kind of sister does that!

And last but not least, when my little sister called and complained that her side was hurting "really bad" and that her "apendix burst" I so did not blow her off, and think RIIIIIIIGHT! And then when I needed to leave and seriously couldn't find my keys,(call her, and she sounds fine,) I so did not quit looking for the said keys. Because seriously what kind of sister does that. (BTW I think she's just come down with some sort of a bug because she ended up not going to school today!)

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you got to see your sister.. Did you get your painting done?
