Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Have you Thanked a Veteran Today ?

I’m trying to teach my kids that this life hasn’t always been easy. They’ve got it better than a ton of kids in this world. Sometimes it’s easy and other times it’s hard. They don’t understand war, they don’t understand children living without running water and not enough food to eat. We try our hardest but do we ever succeed until we’ve actually lived in someone else’s shoes, not really.


Today is a day of remembering our Veteran’s and our soldiers still fighting for our freedom. Today is a day we should Thank a Veteran, but we don’t always think about it. When I had the chance to take the girls to a celebration celebrating Veteran’s, I decided we were going.

Dahrran’s school puts on a nice program and it was good to see all of the Veterans that showed up!


So THANK YOU Veterans, current Soldiers, and Families of our Service Men and Women!!!!!!


  1. It is extremely interesting for me to read that post. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.

  2. I hope you had a great holiday weekend.

  3. I thank one every time i talk to a lot of my friends who have served over seas during this whole war or conflict that is going on right now.
