Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Addysen's Baptisim

Not many people know this. It took us a long time to conceive Addysen. There were times where I had given up the hope of ever having a 4th child. I thought we would always be a family of 5. This was something that had weighed on my heart heavily. I have this thing with odd numbers you see....and being a family of 5 was killing me. But really, I felt like we weren't complete. Something Someone was missing.

Shortly before we found out we were pregnant, we had decided to go down the foster care/foster adopt path. We were just starting to get our ducks in a row, and had the chance to go to an informational meeting on getting started. Something in my heart told me we weren't quite ready just yet, and so we decided to hold off on going to the meeting and would attend the next months'. Just a few short weeks later, and I found out I was pregnant. I'm one who believes God has a plan for us, and this was his plan. Three long years of waiting and we were finally going to add to our family.

During our TTC journey I'd grown closer to finding my faith. It has been a long path over the last 10 years. Joel is Catholic, and I was raised in a Presbyterian family who really only went to church on major holidays. The journey to figure out where I fit in has been a tough one. I finally had decided I was ready to become Catholic, and raise our children the same way. It's such a blessing to be able to see our children grow in the love and faith of God.

The day of Addysen's baptisim was a beautiful day, we had all of Joel's family and some of mine present. Joel's sister and brother-in-law are Addysen's godparents and I'm so proud to call them my family as well.

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