Saturday, September 4, 2010

No I didn’t fall off the face of the earth

I promise. But for all you enemies out there….you can keep thinking I did, and keep on partying up!

We’ve been busy. I know that’s what I always say. But it’s true. And well I haven’t exactly been in the blogging mood. Seems I got a bit down for a while, and just didn’t know what to write. But either way I’m back to stay.

I’ve been such a bad bloggy friend as well. Only reading a handful of blogs, and missing the others. So I’m going to try and play the catch up game. If I don’t leave you a comment don’t feel left out. I’m going to read each and every update on my blog “MUST READ” list! If you’re not on the bottom of my blog, and would like to be, please leave me your blog address in the comments. I want to make sure I get everyone. I know there are a few blogs that I just keep forgetting to add!

As for what’s been going on in our lives. Dahrran, MacKenzie and Kaitlynn started school on August 18th. Yes, they all started school. Yes I cried like a little baby. It was a sad day. I called my mom afterwards and just sat there are cried. She made the comment that it was quiet here, to which I replied…TOO Quiet, and started crying again. I do have pictures, and will probably make them a Wordless Wednesday post soon!

Also I picked up another part time job…..not sure if I posted that in my last blog or not. (and well frankly I’m too lazy to actually go look!) It was supposed to fill my time for when Kaitlynn was in school, just a few days a week. It’s turned into a 15-25 hour a week job. I’m not complaining, but it does take up my time. So therefore at the end of the day I feel like I’m not getting anything done.

Our laptop died. It started acting funky, and then when we were babysitting our niece and nephew Joel accidentally stepped on it. Yes, it was partially my fault, and I’ll take the blame. I saw it laying on the floor, and knew he was about to walk that way carrying the playpen. But I figured he was the one who put it there so he’ll remember…..well he didn’t. It worked for a while, until of course the power cord went kaput. So we finally decided it was time to make the purchase of a desktop. It’s been 6 years since we had a desktop, and sadly I miss my laptop. BUT I like the fact that hopefully this one won’t get stepped on.  But this also means that I don’t have our pictures transfered over. Thankfully I was able to get them all on jump drives before it crashed for good. Slowly I’ll get them posted!

There you have it. I’m behind, playing catch up, and hope to be a better blogger! Hope to see you all around soon! OH before I forget. I have a few more Favorite Fluff Friday’s coming up…….so watch for those in the coming weeks. (yes Kaitlynn is potty trained, and yes I’m SO far behind on these reviews.)


  1. I'm glad you're back. Sometimes we don't have anything to say...and sometimes we shouldn't say what we are thinking! LOL Chin'll learn to love the quiet eventually.

  2. I'm so excited to see a post from you. I've been thinking about you a lot lately and was going to email you but honestly I just didn't get it done. I haven't been on my computer that much except to get a blog post up which hasn't been that much! Glad to 'see' you and hope to see more posts in the future!

  3. I'm so glad you're back!!! We've missed you EVERYWHERE including bloggy world! Post those first day of school pictures! Ashlyn starts Preschool Tuesday and I am so scared...I know I'm gonna cry so hard!

  4. Glad you are back. I added you to my reader list. :D
