Monday, April 5, 2010

What would you do?

UPDATED: I tried to call them….got the answering machine, called the number that was on there, no answer. So I went ahead and called back to the office and left a message. I figure the ball is in their court now, and we’ll go from there. Joel was mad because I hadn’t called them yet when I talked to him. So guess we just wait and see now!


Remember how I had a wisdom tooth pulled way back in February? Well remember how I had problems with it dry socketing?  And then how it got infected? Yeah. Well that tooth, or shall I say hole in my mouth, because after all the tooth wasn’t bothering me before. It just needed to come out because it was partially through the gum & down the road it could’ve become a problem.

Fast forward 6 weeks from getting said wisdom tooth pulled, and wake up one Easter morning with a HUGE cheek. To the point where DH was making fun of me because I look like a chipmunk….I’ll agree I did! But it’s a Sunday so you just deal with it, it doesn’t hurt so I’m fine.

Come today. I call the dentist office to see if I can get in to get it looked at or to see if they can at least call me in a prescription because it is leaking pussy gunk into my mouth. They’re CLOSED….for the Easter Holiday. UGH. But you can call them at home if it’s an emergency.

Do I call? It’s not really an emergency, cause I’m not in pain. I just look like crap! What do you do? Call them at home, or just wait till tomorrow? Let me know…I’m going to call them before noon if you all think I should!


  1. I think you should call it's their job to help you! Just because it doesn't hurt doesn't mean it isn't alarming or dangerous!!!! The infection could be worse and I'm sure that stuff coming out of it is poisonous puss if you swallow it!!! And puss y is pussy when ya type it I don't mean to laugh but that made me lol give them a call Hun!!!!

  2. Since it doesn't hurt, I would probably just wait because well...I'm just like that. If you were in pain, I would definately call. So weird that this has happened. Good luck and let us know what you find out!

  3. call them women!! if its infected you don't want it to keep getting worse and then go into your jaw were you would run into bigger problems. call them now!!!!!

  4. I'm glad you called and I hope you've heard back by now.

  5. I hope it isn't too serious. Puss=bad. Take care of it!

  6. Ok, Amanda, so I should clarify...I missed the puss part...I thought it was just swollen! I hope the antibiotic works quickly for you!
