Friday, June 20, 2008

WTF! (excuse the language!)

WTF. That is all I have to say. I don't want to get up on my soap box, but this is craziness!!!!

Being a teen mom, it's nothing to want! These girls don't get what they're getting themselves into. Especially the one who is having a baby with a homeless man! I don't get it. I really don't!

We watched "Meet the Robinson's" yesterday, and I sat here and cried at the end. Not so much because the movie was sad, but just because whenever I see movies that have mom's having a baby boy, and not wanting it or a story of that sort. I cry. Period. It saddens me to know that there are mom's out there that don't get to know the joy of loving their child. I sit here and I thank God, for what I have. I thank him for the home, and for my husband. Who had the chance to say, "it's not mine, I don't want it, I'm gone", but didn't. He chose to be a man, and take action to be there for his child. I'll never forget the night I told him I was pregnant. He sat there, and said well we'll figure this out, and gave me a big hug. NEVER did he say anything along the lines of leaving or not taking responsibility. I love that man, and I love my children.

I'm not saying that I am upset with every girl that ends up pregnant. But there are some girls who really need to take a look at why they're wanting a baby. The ones who say I didn't want a baby but end up pregnant, need to look at how they got themselves there. I know how I got where I did, and it was being naive, thinking I wasn't going to be that girl! But I was that girl, and I'm glad that I was that girl. I love everything in my life and I thank God everyday for the blessings he's given me!

Enough on my soap box, Have a good Afternoon!!!!

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