Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sick Baby

Last night was a night I'd like to forget. I'd like to think that it was all a dream. Maybe I didn't walk out of the Emergency Room at 1:30 in the morning, knowing nothing with a still sick little girl. If you follow me on twitter you got the gist of what was going on last night. But for those of you who don't here's what's going on!

Kaitlynn spiked a fever of 104 last night, that I couldn't get to come down for the life of me. I ended up taking her in to the ER because she's had this nasty cold/cough for a couple weeks now that I was TRYING to let run it's course. My kiddos don't usually run fevers, UNLESS they're sick. My first thought was ear infection or sinus infection.

We get there and there are three people in the waiting room...UGH! We live in a small enough town that usually in the ER you are in and out. I wish we had and after hour pedi's clinic but we don't! We waited in the waiting room, not even checked in, for 1 1/2 hours. FINALLY get in a room, and I find out it is a doc on call that I can't stand. It's like he doesn't take anything for serious. We've had run-ins before, and I pretty much made up my mind we wouldn't use him even if he was the only doc on call at the clinic...except we weren't at the clinic.

I about had Kaitlynn asleep, and the nurse comes in turns on the light and checks her over. I asked her to turn the light back off and she replied "Well if they're going to poke and prod her you need to keep her awake." SERIOUSLY!?!?!? By this time it was midnight...ugh. Of course she doesn't feel good, is exhausted and can't rest because the light is on.

Doc comes in, looks her over and then proceeds to make me feel like I am wasting his time. Ears look good, nose good, tonsils a little red but nothing too bad. Wants to check for strep, and influenza. When I mention that we've been exposed to RSV and she's had a cough for two weeks, he says "If she had RSV she'd be wheezing, and there isn't anything we can do for it anyways." May I add that when MacKenzie had RSV, she had no wheezing in fact I thought she had an ear infection, because it was an ER visit with similar reasons as Kaitlynn's. DO we test for RSV? NOPE!

We end up walking out at 1:30 in the morning, knowing what Kaitlynn does not have....Influenza or Strep. And no idea what is wrong. SERIOUSLY! I have half a notion to make her an appointment with our regular doc today, but am too exhausted to think about it. So we will lay around and do nothing all day long!


  1. So sorry you had to deal with all of that especially at 1am. Gosh I would have let that nurse and doctor have it. I hope she gets better soon!

  2. sorry she is ill and you are unrested.

    I'd go to her regular doctor. And explain what has happened.

