Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

From our home to yours, enjoy your family, and rejoice in the day!

Next week will be a picture overload...and Easter picture overload that is. You see it's 7:18 am here, and I already have two EAGER children laying in bed next to me. One of which has been since before 6:30! We're waiting on their sister to wake up. I do not believe in waking one child up just so the others can go downstairs. It's not fair, they should get to sleep in! Since my camera and cord are in the living room there will be no pictures!


  1. hey girl! I saw your comment on mckmama's blog this morning. just wanted to tell you hello. also, I am a Christian and would love to help you on your journey to finding the way the truth, and the life...that is Jesus! email me if you'd like! :) Happy Easter!

  2. Hi... I also saw your comment on MckMama's blog and just wanted to let you know you can stop by my blog anytime and ask any questions you may have...

    .. I hate to presume, but I believe that Mckmama and I are of the same faith, that is, Born Again. People also refer to born again Christians as 'saved'.

    This means that we have accepted Jesus as our personal saviour and that we entered into a believing relationship with Him. In doing so, based on Scripture (the Bible), we are now guarantedd a place in Heaven. (Saved from eternal damnation)

    A great blog for understanding more about personal relatinoships and salvation is


    There are so many loving and compassionate women out there who would love to be there for you, support you, and show you how to enter into a relationship with Jesus!!

    And believe me, we ALL want that for you!!

    Wouldn't it be nice to hear someone talking about God's 'precious children' and to know they were talking about you???

    I pray that you continue to seek Him Amanda. I bet He has big plans for you!!!

    Many, many blessings to you and yours!
